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21st Century Literacies Shop

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I am a teacher, blogger, and teacher trainer with more than 30 years of experience in education. I like to explore new possibilities to engage learners and enhance their learning experiences. I am the author of the blog, Learning and Leading in the 21st Century http://aysinalp.edublogs.org / where I share my reflections and insights on learning and technology.




I am a teacher, blogger, and teacher trainer with more than 30 years of experience in education. I like to explore new possibilities to engage learners and enhance their learning experiences. I am the author of the blog, Learning and Leading in the 21st Century http://aysinalp.edublogs.org / where I share my reflections and insights on learning and technology.
Greta Thunberg: A Young Protester Changing the World

Greta Thunberg: A Young Protester Changing the World

Here is a complete unit based on a real life character to enhance your students’ viewing, listening, speaking and presentation skills while teaching them about global issues. The questions in the tasks are differentiated addressing both low order and higher order thinking skills and all the tasks have been designed to enhance your students’ critical and creative thinking skills. With one click, you can add or delete tasks/questions based on your students’ abilities or interests. Alternatively, you can assign different tasks to different groups of students to differentiate learning, and have them share their work with the rest of the class at the end of each task.


This inquiry unit on Malala is presented both on a 55- slide Power Point and a Google slide deck with tens of links to a variety of media for students to explore and create information. There are 16 graphic organizers, 2 posters and 3 projects in it which you can differentiate according to the abilities and interests of your students. You will find everything about differentiation in the 6-page UbD lesson plan, which also includes several external links and additional lesson ideas for the teacher, which will help you connect quality instructional content to the essential skills of collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creativity. In the first part of the unit, students will watch videos, read and research various types of non-fiction, complete several scaffolded tasks, and participate into class discussions before they write their own version of Malala’s biography to inspire others. They will collect everything they have created in this part in a foldable lapbook. In the second part, they will research and discuss what makes a hero and our rights and responsibilities as digital citizens. They will use the information in written, speaking and visual presentations. The activities have been designed for classrooms where all students have access to technology but can easily be adapted for classrooms where only the teacher has access to technology. They include several opportunities for students to connect beyond the classroom, collaborate, create (and show what they know), share and reflect upon their learning at each stage of the learning process. If possible, please use the slides version, which you can find here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Yad5O2GAV4cDq5PqPmLDx5CfUP7pBh3swEfCYodX7MY/edit?usp=sharing Please click on File>Make a Copy so that you can edit the resource. If you are using Google classroom, upload it to Google Classroom as an assignment and choose ‘Make a copy for each student’ option. This way, your students will have an interactive version of the lesson as well. Please don’t share it with your students before you read the lesson plan. If your students don’t have access to technology in the classroom, you can print the resources that you want to share with them. Thank you for downloading this resource. Please visit my shop https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/aysinalp58 to see my other resources
Story Elements and Writing a Short Story

Story Elements and Writing a Short Story

This Power point presentation includes information and practice on all of the basic short story elements and how they contribute to the overall meaning of the story. The scaffolded activities also include links to Pixar short films for the students to analyze. Finally, students write their own story by using the information they have learned and with the help of the graphic organizers provided for them. There are also extension links that will help you to differentiate learning. There is also a HyperDoc version of the Powerpoint. You can find the link for it in the instructions document in the attachment. You can use this resource with your ESL students as well.
Genius Hour HyperDoc

Genius Hour HyperDoc

HyperDocs are digital lessons with links to a variety of media on a given topic/unit for students to explore and create information. They provide opportunities for exploration of a topic (in an inquiry based way) both individually and collaboratively, and include multiple parts of a lesson plan all packaged in one place. They include one or more opportunities for students to connect beyond the classroom, collaborate, create (and show what they know), share and reflect. The activities are self-paced or delivered in a flexible blended learning environment, often flipped and differentiated with extensions to meet the needs of all students. This allows the teachers to offload their lectures and reimagine various ways to redefine the student learning experience while having more face time with students by moving around and conferring with them. This HyperDocs on Genius Hour will enable your students to explore their passions and design projects to invent, create and make new products or improved ideas to have a positive impact toward others. Your students will learn what creativity is and how to apply it while using their critical thinking and problem solving skills.
Reading and Writing Bundle for ESL and ELL

Reading and Writing Bundle for ESL and ELL

6 Resources
Improve your students’ reading and writing skills with this fun and engaging bundle. The activities in the bundle are ideal for mixed ability classes and many of them are differentiated.


8 Resources
Improve your students’ grammar and skills with this fun and engaging bundle. This bundle is ideal for all ESL and ELL students and includes many grammar worksheets as well as reading and writing activities for mixed ability classes. It also includes texts and activities that will help you teach global literacy to your ESL and ELL learners.
Digital Citizenship Project Choice Board

Digital Citizenship Project Choice Board

This differentiated choice board will give your students the opportunity to learn about digital citizenship as well as practicing the 4 C’s (critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication) . My students had great fun while doing this activity. You may do it in a different way but I allowed them to choose the task they want to work on and their partners to promote student voice and choice in the classroom. The activities in the first row (horizontal) are for groups of three, in the middle row for students who want to work individually, and the ones in the final row are for the students who want to work in pairs. You can assign the tasks in the middle row for a pair of low achievers in order to enhance collaboration as they are relatively easier and shorter. Please read the instructions to use this document which also includes the Google dRive link for the PDF document. Using the Drive link will give you the opportunity to share this document with your students digitally and edit it. On the second page there are discussion, vocabulary and reflection activities for the students to complete. I hope you and your students will enjoy it:)
Digital Citizenship Project Choice Board

Digital Citizenship Project Choice Board

This differentiated choice board will give your students the opportunity to learn about digital citizenship as well as practicing the 4 C’s (critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication) . My students had great fun while doing this activity. You may do it in a different way but I allowed them to choose the task they want to work on and their partners to promote student voice and choice in the classroom. The activities in the first row (horizontal) are for groups of three, in the middle row for students who want to work individually, and the ones in the final row are for the students who want to work in pairs. You can assign the tasks in the middle row for a pair of low achievers in order to enhance collaboration as they are relatively easier and shorter. Please read the instructions to use this document which also includes the Google Drive link for the PDF document. Using the Drive link will give you the opportunity to share this document with your students digitally and edit it. On the second page, there are discussion, vocabulary, and reflection tasks for the students to complete. I hope you and your students will enjoy it:)
Simple Past vs Past Continuous HyperDoc

Simple Past vs Past Continuous HyperDoc

HyperDocs are 21st century lesson design templates where all components of a learning cycle have been pulled together into one central hub. They shift the focus from teacher-led lectures to student-driven inquiry-based learning through the exploration of concepts purposely crafted and packaged on a Google Doc or Slide, making room for more interactive and personalized learning. They include one or more opportunities for students to connect beyond the classroom, collaborate, create (and show what they know), share and reflect. Using HyperDocs in any course at any level will allow you to offload your lectures and reimagine various ways to redefine the student learning experience while having more face time with students by moving around and conferring with them. This HyperDoc on Simple Past vs Past Continuous Tense has been prepared for Beginner, pre-intermediate and intermediate ESL and ELL students. You can easily use it in a mixed ability class by differentiating content and pace. You can even delete or change some of the content for some students. I uploaded my slide presentation on PowerPoint (please use it in the slide show mode so that you can access to the links) but you can access my Google slides here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ES7d8azlDNWc_HX3T6-0l5vI12GXms4Bcoc2104bOrg/edit?usp=sharing . Click File on the top right and click Make a Copy so that you can edit the slides. Please note that the links on the last two slides are for early finishers or for students who need extra practice. I deleted the Padlet (slide 14) and Flipgrid codes (slide 20) for students in the presentation as each teacher has to create their own Padlet and Flipgrid links for their classes.
Simple Present vs Present Continuous HyperDoc

Simple Present vs Present Continuous HyperDoc

HyperDocs are 21st century lesson design templates where all components of a learning cycle have been pulled together into one central hub. They shift the focus from teacher-led lectures to student-driven inquiry-based learning through the exploration of concepts purposely crafted and packaged on a Google Doc or Slide, making room for more interactive and personalized learning. They include one or more opportunities for students to connect beyond the classroom, collaborate, create (and show what they know), share and reflect. If your students have devices in the classroom, they will find HyperDocs more engaging than the traditional teaching style. They will also find that they have a better pace in which they can learn because they can go faster through the content they know, and review the material in which they struggle. Upload your HyperDoc on Google Classroom so that absent students have the same package of information the students in class had access to as well. Using HyperDocs in any course at any level will allow you to offload your lectures and re-imagine various ways to redefine the student learning experience while having more face time with students by moving around and conferring with them. This HyperDoc on Simple Present vs Present Continuous Tense has been prepared for Beginner, pre-intermediate and intermediate ESL and ELL students. You can easily use it in a mixed ability class by differentiating content and pace. You can even delete or change some of the content for some students. I uploaded my slide presentation on PowerPoint (show the PowerPoint in the slide show mode so that your students can watch the videos) but you can access my Google slides in this link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1S5WtPo5W-AfIghfLMslHsGXxvpYiNvhP6C6qCZIYlFM/edit?usp=sharing . Click File on the top right and click Make a Copy so that you can edit the slides. Please note that the links on the last two slides are for early finishers or for students who need extra practice. I deleted the Padlet (slide 28) and Flipgrid codes (slide 31) for students in the presentation as each teacher has to create their own Padlet and Flipgrid https://flipgrid.com/ links for their classes.


Improve your students'/child's grammar skills with this fun and engaging bundle. This bundle is ideal for all ESL and ELL students and for the students who are preparing for PET and FCE exams. It includes 8 detailed worksheets on Gerunds and Infinitives, Reported Speech, Passive Voice and Conditionals with: *detailed explanations of the rules * gap-fill and sentence transformation exercises * sentence completions * reading response activities *creative writing activities based on videos. This is intended for use by one teacher. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online. Enjoy! Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store! @aysinalp1 Follow 21st Century Literacies Shop
English Grammar Bundle

English Grammar Bundle

Improve your students'/child's grammar skills with this fun and engaging bundle. This bundle is ideal for all ESL and ELL students and for the students who are preparing for KET and FCE exams. It includes 8 detailed worksheets on Gerunds and Infinitives, Reported Speech, Passive Voice and Conditionals with: *detailed explanations of the rules * gap-fill and sentence transformation exercises * sentence completions * reading response activities *creative writing activities based on videos. This is intended for use by one teacher. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online. Enjoy! Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store! @aysinalp1 Follow 21st Century Literacies Shop
Video-based Creative Writing

Video-based Creative Writing

This four-page creative writing activity based on BBC's short video, 'The Supporting Act' is ideal both for ELA and ESL students. It includes two graphic organizers to scaffold writing a summary, before the creative writing activity. Play the video until 00:59 and ask your students to predict the rest of it. At the end of the creative writing project, you can also show this video https://vimeo.com/82282346 to your students for fun.


Close reading is a perfect strategy that will help you scaffold your students with challenging texts. Your students will find it very useful not only as a text-taking strategy, but also as a technique that helps them become better readers and critical thinkers. This bundle includes a lesson plan with a list of annotation marks, a list of steps that will guide the students, a text for close reading and questions.


This four-page creative writing activity based on BBC's short video, 'The Supporting Act' is ideal both for ELA and ESL students. It includes two graphic organizers to scaffold writing a summary, before the creative writing activity. Play the video until 00:59 and ask your students to predict the rest of it. At the end of the creative writing project, you can also show this video https://vimeo.com/82282346 to your students for fun.


Close reading is a perfect strategy that will help you scaffold your students with challenging texts. Your students will find it very useful not only as a text-taking strategy, but also as a technique that helps them become better readers and critical thinkers. This bundle includes a lesson plan with a list of annotation marks, a list of steps that will guide the students, a text for close reading and questions.


This resource for KS2 or KS3 is also ideal for ESL students. It comprises of 9 different worksheets aimed at teaching and practicing Simple Present, Simple Past, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Progressive, Past Perfect and Past Perfect Progressive. It includes explanations on the usage of each tense, examples, several grammar exercises from fill in the blanks to transformations, reading and writing activities.
Global Issues

Global Issues

Here is a free resource for you to teach global literacy in your classroom creatively addressing the key issues. This 48-page pack will help you teach your students Global Goals for Sustainable Development published by the UN in 2016 to raise their awareness on global issues with a focus on Global Citizenship, Diversity, Freedom, Poverty, Hunger, and Environmental Issues. While learning many things about global issues and becoming a global citizen, the students will analyze a poem, read two non-fiction texts by Jane Goodall and Nelson Mandela and do the activities about them, write a bio-poem and a biography, an essay and a journal entry, analyze a cartoon and design their own, and prepare a presentation. The activities in the pack will enable you to differentiate learning naturally.


Do you want to go global and raise awareness on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by bringing together a range of innovative ideas for teaching creatively and addressing these key issues? Here is a free resource for you to teach global literacy in your classroom! This 24-page pack will help you teach your students Global Goals for Sustainable Development published by the UN in 2016 to raise their awareness on global issues with a focus on Global Warming. The activities in the pack will enable you to differentiate learning. You can do the inquiry project at the end of the pack together with a partner school to increase student engagement.